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0700 and up for a quick breakfast, dump the trailer tanks and head off to Lake Havasu. It was quite cool and still windy as we left. We stopped in Kingman AZ for fuel and remembering there was a Whataburger nearby decided to have lunch there. The drive from Kingman to lake Havasu was all down hill. With a nice tail wind we managed 16.9 MPG! Too bad we did not always get this kind of mileage.



We arrived at Cat Tail Cove State Park on the lake and choose space number 60. We set up camp and then walked around and explored the campground and beach area. It is nice and warm here and not too windy, a little breezy on the lake. This is a large skiing lake, not good for canoeing.

There are lots of Gambles Quail running around the campground. These are large birds with red on their heads and a black spot on their belly. These are larger then the quail we normally see in California.




We had water and electric hookups at this campground, it was $21.00 per night.

1800 and dinner time, we barbequed chicken for Bryan and salmon for Nancy. Potatoes and corn to round things off.

We then went over to the amphitheater for a movie under the stars. They showed Ice Age Meltdown. It was plenty warm and quite a few other campers came over to watch the show.

2100 and back to the trailer for showers and to view the photos we had taken for the day. Then time for bed.

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