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National Parks
Name Type Location Year authorized Size acres
Acadia NP SE Maine 1919 48,419
American Samoa NP American Samoa 1988 9,000
Arches NP E Utah 1929 76,519
Badlands NP SW S.Dak. 1929 242,756
Big Bend NP W Tex. 1935 801,163
Biscayne NP SE Fla. 1968 172,924
Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP W Colo. 1933 30,300
Bryce Canyon NP SW Utah 1924 35,835
Canyonlands NP SE Utah 1964 337,598
Capitol Reef NP S Utah 1937 241,904
Carlsbad Caverns NP SE N.Mex. 1923 46,766
Channel Islands NP SW Calif. 1938 249,354
Crater Lake NP SW Oreg. 1902 183,224
Congaree NP Central S.C. 1976 21,888
Death Valley NP SE Calif., SW Nev. 1933 3,367,628
Denali PP S Alaska 1917 6,075,690
Dry Tortugas NP S Fla. 1935 64,701
Everglades PE S Fla. 1934 1,508,580
Gates of the Arctic PP N Alaska 1978 8,472,527
Glacier NP NW Mont. 1910 1,013,572
Glacier Bay PP SE Alaska 1925 3,283,246
Grand Canyon NP NW Ariz. 1908 1,217,403
Grand Teton NP NW Wyo. 1929 309,993
Great Basin NP Nevada 1986 77,180
Great Sand Dunes PP S Colo. 1932 84,670
Great Smoky Mountains NP N.C., Tenn. 1926 521,621
Guadalupe Mountains NP W Tex. 1966 86,416
Haleakala NP Maui Island, Hawaii 1916 29,824
Hawaii Volcanoes NP Hawaii Island, Hawaii 1916 209,695
Hot Springs NP W central Ark. 1921 5,549
Isle Royale NP NW Mich. 1931 571,790
Joshua Tree NP S Calif. 1936 1,022,703
Katmai PP SE Alaska 1918 4,093,229
Kenai Fjords NP S Alaska 1978 669,983
Kings Canyon NP E central Calif. 1890 461,901
Kobuk Valley NP NW Alaska 1978 1,750,737
Lake Clark PP S Alaska 1978 4,030,058
Lassen Volcanic NP N Calif. 1907 106,372
Mammoth Cave NP Central Ky. 1926 52,830
Mesa Verde NP SW Colo. 1906 52,122
Mount Rainier NP SW Wash. 1899 235,625
North Cascades NP N Wash. 1968 504,781
Olympic NP NW Wash. 1909 922,651
Petrified Forest NP E Ariz. 1906 93,533
Pinnacles NP W Calif. 1908 24,265 (9,827)
Redwood NP NW Calif. 1968 112,430
Rocky Mountain NP Central Colo. 1915 265,723
Saguaro NP SE Ariz. 1933 91,443
Sequoia NP E Calif. 1890 402,510
Shenandoah NP N Va. 1926 198,081
Theodore Roosevelt NP W N.Dak. 1947 70,447
Virgin Islands NP Virgin Islands, on St. John 1956 14,689
Voyageurs NP N Minn. 1971 218,200
Wind Cave NP SW S.Dak. 1903 28,295
Wrangell–St. Elias PP SW Alaska 1978 13,176,371
Yellowstone NP Wyo., Mont., Idaho 1872 2,219,791
Yosemite NP E Central Calif. 1890 761,266
Zion NP SW Utah 1909 146,592
National Monuments
Agate Fossil Beds MO NW Nebr. 1965 3,055
Agua Fria MO Central Ariz. 2000 71,100
Alibates Flint Quarries MO NW Tex. 1965 1,371
Aniakchak MR SW Alaska 1978 602,779
Aztec Ruins MO NW N.Mex. 1923 319
Bandelier MO N N.Mex. 1916 33,677
Booker T. Washington MO Central Va. 1956 224
Buck Island Reef MO Virgin Islands, on Buck Island 1961 880
Cabrillo MO SW Calif. 1913 137
California Coastal Rocks and Islands MO W Calif. 2000  
Canyon de Chelly MO NE Ariz. 1931 83,840
Canyons of the Ancients MO SW Colo. 2000 164,000
Cape Krusenstern MO Alaska 1978 649,182
Capulin Volcano MO NE N.Mex. 1916 793
Carrizo Plain MO W central Calif. 2001 204,000
Casa Grande MO S Ariz. 1892 473
Cascade-Siskiyou MO S central Oregon 2000 52,000
Castillo de San Marcos MO NE Fla. 1924 20
Castle Clinton MO SE N.Y. 1946 1
Cedar Breaks MO SW Utah 1933 6,155
Chiricahua MO SE Ariz. 1924 11,985
Colorado MO W Colo. 1911 20,534
Craters of the Moon MO S Idaho 1924 53,440
Devils Postpile MO E Calif.